Saturday, June 2, 2012

RIM wins legal battle over BBM trademark - Gadgetorama

Research In MotionLate last year, Research In Motion was hit with a lawsuit alleging trademark infringement over the use of the name ?BBM? by Canadian company BBM Canada. Today, RIM got some good news as a Canadian Federal Court ruled in its favour in the case. While BBM does own the trademark, the court found that the two companies operate in different industries and that the trademark was not infringed upon as a result.

Needless to say, RIM was quite pleased with the outcome. According to RIM spokeswoman Tenille Kennedy: ?We are pleased that the Federal Court of Canada sided with RIM and confirmed that RIM?s use of BBM does not infringe the trademark rights of BBM Canada as they had alleged.?

For its part, BBM Canada has not yet decided whether it will appeal the ruling or not.

Read more: The Globe and Mail

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