Monday, June 25, 2012

Our Deseret Home: Speaking in Church

Whew! Now you know that I am not very good at keeping up a blog... over a month since my last post! Haha that is pretty typical for me.
Last Sunday my husband and I spoke in church.? That is one of the things about being a Mormon that I both love and hate.? I love that we take turns speaking and teaching, rather than having one guy preach every week.? However, I hate?being assigned a topic and thinking "What the heck am I supposed to say about that?".? Some speakers are definately better than others, but it keeps us humble, lets us learn, and contributes to the unity and comraderie?of the congregation.
We spoke about teaching children.? I was so excited because it was actually something that I knew I could fill the 15-20 minutes with. (Last time my topic was 'the Book of Mormon as the Keystone of Our Religion', and I barely got to 7 minutes before I ran out of material. Not because I don't like the Book of Mormon but because thats just a really specific and weird topic.)? I have to say I am much better at writing than I am at speaking in front of a few hundred people.? I can write a pretty mean?talk if I put my mind to it, but I am a technical writer, so to read it out loud just sounds ridiculous and stiff.? So those poor people had to listen to me read my talk, which I tried to make more colliqual but it was still formal and stiff.? Of course I was afraid of making a fool of myself by going off script, so I mostly looked at my paper.? I still got some complements, which is probably just because people are nice... but who knows, maybe somebody actually listened and enjoyed it!
Next time I post maybe I'll post my talk (or selections from it) but for now I don't have time.
Signing off in hopes I'll be back sooner rather than later!

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