Saturday, June 23, 2012

eugenegrove11: Children's Health & Fitness ? Obesity Is ...

June 20th, 2012 by Len Saunders

? Type 2 diabetes ? once believed to affect only adults ? is now being
diagnosed among young people.

? In some communities almost half of the pediatric diabetes cases are type 2,
when in the past the total was close to zero. Although childhood-onset
Type 2 diabetes is still a rare condition, overweight children with this
disease are at risk of suffering the serious complications of diabetes as
adults, such as kidney disease, blindness, and amputations.

? Sixty-one percent of overweight 5- to10-year-olds already have at least
one risk factor for heart disease, and 26% have two or more risk factors.

Source: ? The CDC

Entry Filed under: Health / Fitness Articles

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