Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Video: Probe leads to shakeup in Conn. town

>> now to growing anger in the wake of the arrests of four police officers . they're accused of targeting latino negligence the community community -- latinos in the community and now the mayor is under fire for a controversial comment about tacos. craig, good morning.

>> reporter: ann, good morning to you. this all started with the federal investigation into reports of corruption inside the east haven police department . prosecutors say they uncovered blatant discrimination. uh now the police chief is stepping down. the mayor announcing the latest shake up for east haven .

>> the chief notified me of his intent to retire as chief of the east haven police department .

>> reporter: the news comes days after word of a major corruption investigation by the fbi. four east haven police officers are under arrest, accused of waging a campaign of terror against latino residents.

>> four east haven police officers charged today were a cancerous cadre who deprived residents, particularly members of the latino community of their civil rights .

>> reporter: prosecutors say the officers would use excessive force , perform illegal searches and make false reports to place latinos in custody, allegedly beating some while still in handcuffs. the officers pled not guilty. part of the investigation this video taken by a local priest who says owners and patrons of a hispanic grocery store were beg harassed by police officers .

>> we don't have customers for a long time because they are afraid to come to the store.

>> reporter: investigators say more arrests could come soon. a possible target, chief gallo. he's named as a coconspirator but hasn't been charged.

>> chief gallo has never engaged in or condoned racial profiling of any nature whatsoever.

>> reporter: the whole scandal has drawn national interest after the mayor's comments to a reporter when the indictments were announced last week.

>> what are you doing for the latino community today?

>> i might have tacos when i go home. i'm not sure yet.

>> reporter: i asked what you're doing for the latino community.

>> i said maybe have a latino meal whether it's tacos or another meal.

>> reporter: the mayor's comments went viral on the web prompting calls for him to resign.

>> we all say stupid things at stupid times. i did that. i apologize.

>> reporter: in protest the group reform immigration america delivered 500 tacos to town hall . an editorial cartoon along with this, "the mayor is an idiot".

>> i don't think i ever called anyone an idiot in 40 years of journalism. people in east haven have to be embarrassed by this. go home and eat tacos? good lord.

>> reporter: tonight there is a town meeting here in east haven . that's where members of the police commission say they will ask the mayor to fire chief gallo instead of allowing him to retire. meanwhile as for mayor maturo, he insists he will not step down.

>> craig melvin, thank you.


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