Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Time Management: The Need of the Hour

What is time management?

Are you usually punctual or late?
? Do you finish things within the time you stipulate?
? Do you hand in your reports/work on time?
? Are you able to accomplish what you want to do before deadlines?
? Are you a good time manager?

Time management is an act or process of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity. Time management can be effectively done by using various tools and techniques. These tools may include planning, allocating time, setting goals, delegation, analyzing the time spent on each activity, monitoring, organizing, scheduling and prioritizing.

Time management review was done differently in different generations.

The Major factors that waste time:

External Factors:

? Telephone interruptions
? Meetings
? Visitors
? Socializing
? Lack of information
? Excessive paperwork
? Communication breakdown
? Lack of policies and procedures
? Lack of competent personnel
Reduce your waiting time in daily activities.

Think about all of the things you could accomplish if you could make use of this time.

? Time you spend commuting on a train or bus
? Time you wait at the doctor or dentist office for an appointment
? Time you spend on a plane, waiting for your plane, or the time you spend waiting for your baggage
? Time you spend ?on hold? on the telephone

The trick to making use of your waiting time is to always make sure you have something with you that you can accomplish in the event that you are kept waiting. For instance:

? Reading correspondence: Utilize your waiting time in reading email. Some PDAs have e-mail capability, so you can read your e-mail on a train or plane or hospital.
? Writing letters or memos: You can also write letters or memos with a notepad or a PDA.
? Reading or listening to tapes: Carry a book or magazine or a tape with you. You can also download books and articles to your PDA. Instead of being impatient when you are delayed, this could be a perfect time to advance your own knowledge and skills. This can be a good idea to your business or to self-improvement.

Some tips for effective time management:

? Create a daily plan. Try to finish them before evening or night. Try to finish the plan as best as possible
? Schedule time limit for each task. Try to finish them on priority basis
? Having a calendar managing the things as per the schedule will give effective results
? Using organizer also is an effective source of time management. It helps you organize information, to-do lists, projects and other things
? Follow the deadlines and know organizing
? Never agree to do the things more than you handle. Learn to say ?No?
? Target to finish the things early. If you target to be on time, you?ll be late or on time. To avoid the last minute discrepancies, finish it before itself
? Set reminders 15 minutes before the submission time

? If you are doing multitasking, focus on one task and close off the tabs. Then start another task to complete efficiently

V. What are the benefits of an effective time management?

Benefits of time management:

? More work in less time
? Availability of more time to spend with friends
? Improves efficiency
? Personal and professional life balance
? Makes successful
? Healthy motivation
? Stress management
What are the obstacles to an effective time management?

Periods of inactivity: Sometimes we feel our self busy without any productive output. Recognizing and making use of these times can have a positive effect on our efforts.
? Too many things at once: Many of our tasks are not routines. They require concentration to detail. When we are attempting to do too many different things at one time, each individual task suffers as a result.
? Stress and fatigue: Everyone experiences stress from time to time due to the unorganized work style and ineffective time management. More stress downs us physically and mentally. Avoid stress with effective time management techniques.
? All work and no play: Allocate some time to recharge yourself and start working with double energy. Balance your life and work by spending time with family and friends.

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