Saturday, December 31, 2011

Oman and India renew MoU on defence ties

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

Source: --- Thursday, December 29, 2011
The Sultanate has renewed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aimed at enhancing military cooperation with India, yesterday. ...


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Friday, December 30, 2011

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Activist's death leads void in Dominican Republic (AP)

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic ? Sonia Perez was the undisputed champion of people of Haitian descent living in the Dominican Republic, fighting deep discrimination and helping them get birth certificates, housing and education.

Her passing earlier this month of a heart attack at age 48 has left many activists wondering who will carry on her work at a crucial time.

"I don't see who can replace her," said Edwin Paraison, who worked with Pierre and was Haiti's former minister of Haitians living abroad. "Sonia is the kind of woman who is born once a century."

People of Haitian descent, or even just darker skin, have long been condemned to menial jobs, subject to deportation and denied access to school and jobs in the Dominican Republic.

In 30 years of activism, Pierre helped countless people obtain birth certificates over the resistance of government officials. She led marches and organized rallies, fighting for better conditions for people in the sugar cane camps, or bateys, where she grew up.

Pierre's passionate activism drew death threats, but it also earned her the 2006 Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award and the 2010 International Women of Courage Award, which she received while standing between first lady Michelle Obama and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Haiti and the Dominican Republic, which share the island of Hispaniola, have long had a contentious relationship.

Haiti's military invaded the Dominican capital of Santo Domingo in 1822, occupying its neighbor for 22 years. Then in 1937, former Dominican dictator Rafael Leonidas Trujillo ordered the massacre of 20,000 Haitian migrants in a quest to "cleanse" his country.

Over the years, relations between the two countries slowly improved, with the Dominican Republic becoming a staging ground for aid efforts following the devastating January 2010 earthquake that killed more than 300,000 people in Haiti.

Roughly 100,000 Haitians fled to the Dominican Republic after the earthquake, and the Dominican government temporarily suspended immigration enforcement. But early this year, authorities began arresting and then deporting thousands of Haitians. Dominican officials said they feared the spread of a cholera outbreak in Haiti, but civil right advocates said hundreds of legal migrants were also detained.

An estimated 500,000 to 1 million ethnic Haitians live in the Dominican Republic.

Last month, the Dominican Supreme Court upheld a 2007 law aimed at reducing the use of fake documents, which has led the government to confiscate or annul birth certificates of those born to Haitian immigrants. Many of those immigrants were given work visas in previous decades that the Dominican government now refuses to recognize.

Nonprofit groups estimate that at least 1,600 people have been denied their documents as a result of the law, and activists worry others will follow now that Pierre is gone.

Pierre experienced the marginalization firsthand as one of 12 children raised in a Dominican migrant worker camp.

At just 13, she rallied her Dominican-Haitian neighbors and organized a march to demand rights for sugar cane workers, spending a day in jail while police threatened to deport her to Haiti, where her mother was born.

Pierre later founded the Dominican-Haitian Women's Movement, a nonprofit group that builds homes in poor communities, helps secure basic services such as potable water, organizes workshops for women, and fights for the rights of Dominican-Haitians.

Altagracia Jean Joseph is a 25-year-old law school student who credits Pierre with helping her obtain a copy of her birth certificate so she could enroll in college.

"I consider myself one of Sonia's daughters," she said. "I am sure there are many of us."

But thousands of others are still awaiting birth certificates needed to obtain a job or go to school.

Mireina Fortine, a 45-year-old woman who sells bread for a living, said she has fought to obtain those documents for her nephews without success.

"They tell us that since our last name is foreign, and we're children of Haitians, they cannot give us a birth certificate," she said.

Ninaj Raoul, director of the New York-based Haitian Women for Haitian Refugees, said she believes there is enough frustration boiling among Dominican-Haitians to carry on Pierre's work.

Raoul attended a Dec. 8 protest in which hundreds of Dominican-Haitians and their supporters demanded protection of their rights. The protest took place four days after Pierre died of a heart attack.

"It was pretty clear at that point that the legacy of Sonia Pierre is continuing and that the fight is still on," Raoul said. "I don't think there is any one person who can replace Sonia Pierre. But many people can replace her, and I saw that happening."


Coto reported from San Juan, Puerto Rico.


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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Alstom to provide equipment for Chinese coal-fired power plant

EBR Staff Writer
Published 27 December 2011

Alstom has secured a contract worth about ?50m from China State Development and Investment Corporation to supply two 660MW steam turbine generator units for a coal-fired power plant in China.

Located in Hami in China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the new power plant is expected to commence operation in 2014.

Alstom will design, manufacture, supply, supervise installation, test and commission the steam turbine generator units.

The Hami power plant will have supercritical steam conditions designed for leading efficiency and lower carbon emissions.

According to Alstom, Xinjiang is considered to be a key region for power supply development under China's 12th five-year plan.


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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The hearty ingredients of Canis soup

The wolf is iconic and charismatic. We see him on t-shirts, on posters, and in fantasy novels. Conservationists do battle with ranchers to preserve populations of wolves. The coyote, on the other hand, is neither iconic nor loved. A newcomer to suburbia, he is feared as a suspected predator of cats, small dogs, and even small children. He is rarely seen on t-shirts; his name is not used to designate a rank of Boy Scout.

But now that we have the genetic tools to look at these animals? genomes, it turns out that many of the populations of coyotes in North America are actually coyote-wolf hybrids, as are many of the populations of wolves. Unable to draw clear lines between these species, biologists have dubbed the populations of hybrids ?Canis soup.?

What?s a Canis?

The term ?canid soup? has also been used for this mess of wolf, coyote, and even dog genes that we find in some populations of canids. So what does Canis mean, and what is a canid?

These are terms related to the scientific classification of the species in question. Going through the hierarchy, we have Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Chordata, Class Mammalia, Order Carnivora, Family Canidae (canids), and Genus Canis. Wolves, dogs, jackals, and foxes belong to the family Canidae, but only wolves, dogs, and jackals (not foxes) belong to the genus Canis. We call the wolf-like canids ?canines? and the fox-like canids ?vulpines.?

As foxes do not interbreed with wolves, dogs, or jackals, what we?re talking about here is correctly Canis soup, or perhaps canine soup, but not canid soup.

Is it Canis or is it soup?

The more you dig into wild canines in North America, the more unclear it is where any species lines should be drawn. So who makes up our cast of characters?

The first ingredient in Canis soup is the charismatic North American gray wolf or timber wolf, Canis lupus, sometimes known as Canis lupus lupus to differentiate it from the dog and the dingo, who belong to subspecies. The gray wolf is the largest wild canine, at a 79 pound (36 kg) average weight. (Domestic dogs of some breeds, of course, weigh more than that.) Its coat coloring can vary from white through blond, brown, grey, and black. It is found in the western parts of North America.

Next is the Western coyote, Canis latrans. This animal is also known as the American jackal or prairie wolf, suggesting that there has been some confusion about how to distinguish canine species for some time. The Western coyote is a significantly smaller animal than the gray wolf, weighing in closer to 20 pounds (7-14 kg). Its coat color is less varied than the gray wolf?s, almost always a grey-brown as you see in the image here.

The range of the Eastern wolf or Algonquin wolf, Canis lycaon, is Ontario, Canada. This wolf is smaller than the gray wolf, and has a distinctive grey-red coat with black hairs along its back. We believe that this wolf was the original North American canine, and that Canis lupus and Canis latrans immigrated over the land bridge from Europe. There?s a lot of debate about the species status of C. lycaon, as many Eastern wolves appear to have significant C. latrans heritage. Some people suggest that the Eastern wolf is in fact a C. lupus/C. latrans hybrid, or, alternately, a subspecies of the gray wolf, C. lupus lycaon.

The Eastern coyote, spreading along the east coast of the United States, is significantly larger than his Western counterpart. It turns out to be a coyote/wolf hybrid, and it has been argued that it should more accurately be called a coywolf. His wolf ancestors seem to be Canis lycaon ?? but then again, there is debate about whether C. lycaon is really different from C. lupus at all.

The red wolf or Southeastern wolf is subject to truly intense debate about species status. Is it his own species, Canis rufus? A subset of the gray wolf, Canis lupus rufus? Or a population of Eastern wolf, Canis lycaon? It has a beautiful red coat, and is smaller in size than the gray wolf. Its range was historically the southeastern U.S., but it went extinct in the wild by 1980. A founder population of 19 animals survived in captivity, and a reintroduction project in North Carolina was begun in 1987. Here the red wolf is today enthusiastically interbreeding with coyotes, leaving conservationists to wonder what they are conserving.

The three species of wild canines in North America today, then, are Canis lupus, Canis latrans, and Canis lycaon. But we really have just two soup ingredients, wolf and coyote. There are pure wolves (Canis lupus) and there are pure coyotes (Canis latrans), and there are populations that are mixtures of more or less wolf and more or less coyote (Eastern wolves, Eastern coyotes, and red wolves). There appears to be some dog mixed in there, too. You can think of gray wolf and Western coyote as ingredients, and everything else as soup.

Coyote flavor versus wolf flavor

The 2011 paper ?A genome-wide perspective on the evolutionary history of enigmatic wolf-like canids? analyzed the various soup flavors out there and presented their findings in some easy-to-understand charts (below). Here, the different colors represent different amounts of each ingredient. The first chart describes the Eastern wolf, here referred to as the Algonquin wolf, which is mostly gray wolf (green) and joint wolf/coyote (yellow), but also has significant coyote (red). The second chart describes the red wolf; at a glance, it is obvious that the red wolf has a much larger percentage of coyote genes (again, red in this chart). These charts both use ? to denote the number of generations since the most recent admixture with another species.

The two coyote recipes pictured below describe two subpopulations of what I have described as the Eastern coyote; this particular paper considers them split into Northeastern and Southeastern coyotes. At a glance, these populations are mainly pure coyote (red), with big dashes of mixed coyote/wolf (yellow), and small but notable amounts of our friend the dog (dark blue, light blue, and pink).

Wild canine populations challenge us to let go of our obsessive need to categorize. Instead of slotting a canine population into a single species category, we might instead think of it as existing on a spectrum from ?wolf-like? to ?coyote-like.? A strongly wolf-like canid would be larger, sixty to ninety pounds. It would require a larger range, and would be a deerivore, subsisting off of larger game. It is likely to be a shyer animal, found only in more rural or wild areas. Conversely, a strongly coyote-like canid would be much smaller, fifteen to thirty pounds, with a smaller range. It might eat deer as well as rabbits and et cetera (probably a lot of et cetera, as coyotes are more willing to scrounge than wolves are). It would be more likely to be found in suburban areas, with a greater tolerance for human proximity. A given population of canines might fall anywhere on the spectrum between the two. The fact that a spectrum actually exists is beautifully demonstrated by the Eastern coyote, who has mixed coyote/wolf ancestry, is mid-sized between coyote and wolf, and has a mid-sized range.

What?s your preferred flavor?

Does the intermixture of various ingredients in the formation of soupy populations matter as more than a gee-whiz story? To some people, the answer is very much yes. The conservationists who are committing significant resources to the preservation of the red wolf don?t want to see the wolves that they reintroduce interbreed with coyotes. If the reintroduced wolf population blends into a coyote population, then are these resources actually being spent just to support a bunch of coyotes (who have been doing fine on their own)? At the same time, evidence shows that the founder population of 19 red wolves was already significantly coyotified, and we?re not sure how long it?s been since there have been any pure Canis rufus specimens in North America.

It is, of course, possible to think about the problem without asking for genetics to provide the complete answer for us. The red wolf is a red wolf, a beautiful, iconic animal that has lived in the southeastern United States throughout living memory. We know what the red wolf looks like (and that hasn?t been changing much, no matter what is happening to his genes). We also know that it is important in a particular environmental niche, and that hasn?t been changing much either.

Practically, the mixture of coyote genes into fragile wolf populations may be a good thing. Because coyotes are better at living on smaller ranges and in closer proximity to humans than wolves are, they are better adapted to the realities of North America today. As their genes mix into wolf populations, these populations become demonstrably more robust, more able to tolerate human presence, and able to survive on smaller ranges. It is possible, in fact, that coyote genes are exactly what are eventually going to allow a red wolf population to flourish without human assistance.

Conclusions, if we can make any

Does it matter that some of what we think of as wolves have coyote genes? I think the answer comes down to a cultural perception of the wolf as a romantic and charismatic creature, and of the coyote as a pest. Perhaps any mixture of the two is perceived as diminishing the wolf. A friend of mine once made this analogy: if you have an entire bottle of fine wine, and you pour just a teaspoon of sewage into it, now you have a bottle of sewage. Does any amount of coyote, no matter how miniscule, make the wolf impure, and less worth conserving than it was?

As a culture, I hope we can come to appreciate the strengths that the coyote brings to Canis soup, in its ability to coexist with humans in the modern world. It may be what saves populations of charismatic wolves from permanent loss. As we look at populations of canines in North America, we should learn to say that one is more coyote-like and another more wolf-like, on a spectrum from one flavor of soup to another, and appreciate the benefits of both.

Canis soup has been used before as an example of the blurriness of some species lines and the inadequacy of many existing definitions of a species, but it also provides some interesting insights into the fluidity of canid morphology and behavioral characteristics. How did something as large and wild as a wolf become something as variably-sized and tame as a dog? Moreover, how did this change happen (presumably) without a carefully planned breeding program? Why is it so easy to breed types of dogs with such different behavioral and physical characteristics, especially compared to the much more limited variety of breeds of cat, horse, or cow? The canine genome clearly has the capacity for expression across a startlingly wide array of phenotypes. The evidence of this variety has always been right before our eyes, but we are just beginning to understand its implications.


? Adams J.?R., Leonard J.?A., Waits L.?P. Widespread occurrence of a domestic dog mitochondrial DNA haplotype in southeastern US coyotes. Molecular Ecology. 2003;12:541-546.
? Adams J.?R., Kelly B.?T., Waits L.?P. Using faecal DNA sampling and GIS to monitor hybridization between red wolves (Canis rufus) and coyotes (Canis latrans). Molecular Ecology. 2003;12:2175-2186.
? Hailer Frank, Leonard Jennifer?A. Hybridization among three native North American Canis species in a region of natural sympatry. PLoS ONE. 2008;3:e3333+.
? vonHoldt Bridgett?M., Pollinger John?P., Earl Dent?A., et al. A genome-wide perspective on the evolutionary history of enigmatic wolf-like canids. Genome research. 2011;21:1294-1305.
? Way Jonathan?G., Rutledge Linda, Wheeldon Tyler, White Bradley?N. Genetic Characterization of Eastern ?Coyotes? in Eastern Massachusetts. Northeastern Naturalist. 2010;17:189-204.
? Wilson Paul?J., Grewal Sonya?K., Mallory Frank?F., White Bradley?N. Genetic Characterization of Hybrid Wolves across Ontario. Journal of Heredity. 2009;100:S80-S89.
? Zimmer Carl. What Is a Species? Sci Am. 2008;298:72-79.

Images: Gray Wolf (Image courtesy of vargklo at Wikipedia and Flickr); Western Coyote (Image courtesy of Rebecca Richardson at Wikipedia and Flickr); Eastern wolf (Image courtesy Christian Jansky at Wikipedia); Eastern coyote/coywolf (Image from Eastern Coyote Research); Red wolf (image from True Wild Life); Two recipes for wolf flavored Canis soup (vonHoldt, 2011); Two recipes for coyote flavored Canis soup (vonHoldt, 2011)


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Monday, December 26, 2011

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Looking for a foolproof way to stay warm on a cold night? Use a hot water bottle.

Hot water bottles are inexpensive and elegantly efficient for knocking the chill off cold sheets before you slide into bed, or warming your cold feet once you?re under the covers.

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When the water turns cold, put the bottle aside and use the water for your plants.


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Fighting Stereotypes in the U.K. (Powerlineblog)

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

New York City taps Donald Trump to run golf course

(AP)? NEW YORK ? New York City has chosen Donald Trump's company to run a new public golf course in the Bronx.

Trump says he hopes to bring prestigious tournaments to the Ferry Point Golf Course. The city plans to open the golf course in 2014 on 222 acres of parkland near the Whitestone Bridge.

Parks and Recreation Commissioner Adrian Benepe (BEHN'-uh-pee) says the Trump Organization has a good record of running golf courses nationwide. It has granted the company a 20-year license agreement to operate the course. The company will build a $10 million clubhouse as part of the deal.

The Trump Organization holds other concessions with the city's parks department. It operates the Central Park Carousel and the Wollman and Lasker ice skating rings, also in Central Park.


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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Seeka, having failed in merger, omits dividend, focuses on debt

Seeka Kiwifruit Industries, the grower which attempted to merge with rival Satara Cooperative this year, said it won?t pay a final dividend as it focuses on repaying debt.

The listed fruit grower and packer expects full year earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, amortisation, fair value adjustments and asset revaluations to be in the range of $20 million to $21 million, from $19.8 million in the nine months ended Dec. 31.

The company said it will focus on reduction in bank debt and as part of that strategy it won?t pay a December dividend. No dividends were declared at the end of the 2010 financial year either.

In November, 48 percent of shareholders in rival Satara voted against a proposed merger, which was seen as giving scale in an industry hurt by the vine-wasting disease PSA-V. The vote fell short of the 75 percent majority needed.

Satara advised the NZX in a statement it holds no assets for sale and has no intention to sell any assets at this point in time. It made the statement in response to what it said were issues raised at its recent shareholder meeting this month.

At the meeting shareholders were told directors are working to generate sufficient profits to reward all shareholders, sustain rebates, pay a dividend and have enough money left to re-invest in the business.

Shares in Satara have halved in value in the past five years to trade recently at 38 cents, while Seeka share are currently trading at 90 cents.

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Cowell backs Amaro to win 'The X Factor' (AP)

LOS ANGELES ? "The X Factor" judges didn't want to stop listening to Melanie Amaro.

The powerful 19-year-old vocalist from Sunrise, Fla., wowed the Fox talent competition's panel with her soaring rendition of Beyonce's "Listen" during Wednesday's final performance round, prompting head judge Simon Cowell to declare that Amaro should win the show's grand prize: a $5 million recording contract and a starring role in a Pepsi commercial.

"That wasn't a $5 million performance," declared judge L.A. Reid. "That was a $50 million performance."

The panel also poured praise on the other two finalists: soulful 30-year-old single father Josh Krajcik of Wooster, Ohio, and 28-year-old singer-rapper Chris Rene of Santa Cruz, Calif. Krajcik accompanied himself on guitar for his final performance of "At Last," while Rene delivered his original tune "Young Homie" with a group of dancers and singers.

"You make everyone fall in love with you," judge Paula Abdul told Rene.

Before the final showdown, each singer awkwardly dueted with established artists. Krajcik was joined by Alanis Morissette on "Uninvited," Rene teamed up with Avril Lavigne for "Complicated," and Amaro partnered with R. Kelly on "I Believe I Can Fly," which marked the first time that the R&B star performed his motivational anthem with another singer.

The winner, which will be decided by viewer votes, will be announced on Thursday's show.

The contest thus far hasn't achieved the same success as "American Idol," which Cowell left last year to import "X Factor" from the U.K. to the U.S. Last Wednesday's performance episode drew 10.79 million viewers, less than half of the average "Idol" audience.

Unlike "Idol," the competition is open to solo singers and groups and has a lower minimum age of 12 and no upper age limit. The judges also serve as mentors: Cowell represented female vocalists, including Amaro; Reid headed male singers, including Rene; Nicole Scherzinger was in charge of over-30 singers, including Krajcik; and Abdul helmed the groups.


Fox is owned by News Corp.


AP Entertainment Writer Derrik J. Lang can be reached at




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Apple's retail spaces share a common design theme with the products they sell—focusing on minimalist accents and a clean, easy-to-navigate design (barring the swarming hordes of customers). The new "prototype" store under construction in Palo Alto promises to draw on the best ideas from Apple's decade in retail. More »


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Friday, December 23, 2011

US general: Distrust led to killing of Pakistani troops

Pakistan troops unloading from vehicle.

Washington/Brussels (dpa) ? Distrust between US and Pakistani military forces contributed greatly to NATO forces? accidental killing of 24 Pakistani troops last month, the US investigating officer said Thursday.

Because of an ?overarching lack of trust between the two sides,? the US and Pakistani forces did not share precise information about their positions and plans prior to the events of November 25-26 on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, US Air Force Brigadier General Stephen Clark told reporters.

International forces in Afghanistan even withheld from Pakistani liaison officers the exact coordinates of the firefight as both sides scrambled to identify each other, Clark said.

The United States and NATO began to release the results Thursday of their investigation into the killings. The probe found that NATO troops faced ?intense? gunfire from Pakistani soldiers first, contradicting Islamabad?s claims that Pakistani forces shared no blame in the deadly airstrike on its border post.

The US Defense Department conceded that the inquiry had uncovered a series of miscommunications and ?mistakes? by both sides. That led to ?a misunderstanding about the true location of Pakistani military units,? the Pentagon said.

?There was no intentional effort to target persons or places known to be part of the Pakistani military,? it said in a statement. ?For the loss of life ? and for the lack of proper coordination between US and Pakistani forces ? ? we express our deepest regret.?

Clark, who investigated the killings, described in detail the belief by NATO forces that there were no Pakistani border posts on the ridge 3,000 metres above the Afghan village of Nawa, which was the target of the international forces? nighttime operation.

When Pakistani forces started firing down onto NATO ground forces in the valley, NATO aircraft returned fire in the mistaken conclusion it was enemy fire, Clark said.

The incident strained the already tense relations between Pakistan and the US, two uneasy allies in the fight against terrorism, an alliance that has frayed since US special forces killed terrorist leader Osama bin Laden in a secret operation in May in Pakistan.

Pakistan accused NATO of intentionally killing its 24 soldiers, and has reacted by stopping NATO supplies from reaching landlocked Afghanistan and boycotting a subsequent international meeting on Afghanistan, held in Bonn, Germany.

More than a dozen soldiers were wounded in the clash in the Mohmand tribal district, an area known to be used by Taliban and al-Qaeda fighters who infiltrate into Afghanistan to target NATO-led forces. When international forces reached Nawa village after the firefight, they uncovered ?a substantial cache of weapons,? including material for improvised bombs, heavy machine-gun ammunition and rocket-propelled grenades, Clark said.

Pakistani officials insisted that the attack was unprovoked and continued despite pleas for a ceasefire. Major General Ashfaq Nadeem, director general of military operations, this month spoke of a ?pre-planned conspiracy.?

Clark described the ?evolving lack of trust? between Pakistan and the US, including a ?perception from ISAF that the Pakistanis are unwilling to give or reticent to give full disclosure on all their border locations.? He said that ISAF forces have the impression that when they have shared specifics with the Pakistani military, ?some of their operations have been compromised.?

The information purposely withheld from the Pakistani liaison officers involved the exact coordinates of the firefight.

The official who was communicating with Pakistani officials ?had been told not to pass the coordinates, but to only give a general location,? Clark said.

But even the general location description was wrong, Clark said. The ISAF officer staffing the coordination centre had configured his map incorrectly, so that the information he was allowed to pass on to the Pakistanis was off by 14 kilometres, Clark said.

In advance of the nighttime operations, 1 kilometre inside the Afghanistan border, ISAF forces had checked with Pakistan?s military to determine if there were border posts in the region. But no information had been forthcoming from the Pakistani side, Clark said.

?The operational plan and communications during the incident substantiate the conclusion that the Pakistani forces were not knowingly targeted, and the action of our forces was legitimate,? the US Defence Department said in a statement. It argued that ?appropriate force? was used.

It said the investigation?s findings have been shared with the Pakistani and Afghan governments.

The Pakistani military, which refused to cooperate in the investigation, will study the allegations and respond on Friday, a spokesman said.

Meanwhile, NATO said it has taken ?immediate steps ? to reduce the risk of similar incidents in the future,? while the US pledged to ?learn from these mistakes.?

But the Pentagon warned that there was a larger problem.

?We cannot operate effectively on the border ? or in other parts of our relationship ? without addressing the fundamental trust still lacking between us,? the US said in a message to Islamabad. ?We earnestly hope the Pakistani military will join us in bridging that gap.? dpa


Tags: NATO, Pakistan, Troops, US

Section: Latest News, North America, Pakistan


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Denver protest camp set ablaze in police clash

A holdout group of anti-Wall Street protesters set fire to their tent camp in downtown Denver during an overnight raid by police that dismantled the site, authorities said on Tuesday.

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Nine protesters were arrested during the confrontation, including one person on suspicion of felony arson, said Denver Police spokesman Lieutenant Matthew Murray.

When police arrived late on Monday night, they were confronted by about 50 protesters, and one person in the group set the "shanty town" of tents on fire, Murray said.

Once officers moved protesters back, firefighters extinguished the blaze and public works crews dismantled the camp, he said. No one was injured.

The anti-Wall Street protest in Denver was one of the last encampments left in a major U.S. city, in a nationwide Occupy movement against economic inequality and what activists say is the undue power of the wealthy.

Larger protest camps in such cities as New York and Los Angeles were shut down by police in recent weeks. But the Denver site, across the street from the state Capitol Building, has continued to draw demonstrators despite freezing temperatures and past police crackdowns.

The overnight raid was the third time police removed demonstrators from the site since October.

Occupy demonstrator Jason Ball, 21, a University of Colorado at Denver student, said the confrontation overnight was more "tense" than previous evictions.

"We wish the city would engage in a conversation or dialogue with us," he said. "We will continue to protest until we see some action."

Aside from the person held on suspicion of arson, the other eight protesters taken into custody were arrested for misdemeanor violations such as disobeying a lawful order and interfering with police, Murray said.

The latest raid came after newly installed Denver Police Chief Robert White visited the camp last week, and told demonstrators they were violating the law by camping at the downtown protest site.

Earlier this month, a federal judge dismissed a lawsuit filed by attorneys with Occupy Denver, who claimed police were selectively using city ordinances to curb demonstrators' free-speech rights.

Copyright 2011 Thomson Reuters. Click for restrictions.


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Thursday, December 22, 2011

TechStars Seattle Grad GoChime Raises $630K To Help Brands Monetize Social Media

158968v2-max-250x250GoChime, a graduate of the 2011 TechStars Seattle program, is today announcing that it has raised $630,000 from a host of entrepreneurs and angel investors that include Geoff Entress, Walter Winshall, Rob Martin, Kendall Kunz, and Jason Seats -- to name a few. What is GoChime? Simply put, the startup is delivering relevant offers to people based on real needs they've expressed across their social media profiles. In other words, it's direct marketing for social, something which GoChime Co-founders Matt Walters, Josh Emert, and Austin Evarts are convinced has not yet been done successfully.


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Monday, December 19, 2011

Oil falls below $93 after North Korean leader dies (AP)

SINGAPORE ? Oil slipped below $93 a barrel Monday in Asia as crude followed the region's stock markets lower after North Korea announced the death of leader Kim Jong Il.

Benchmark crude for January delivery was down 78 cents to $92.75 a barrel at midday Singapore time in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract fell 34 cents to settle at $93.53 on Friday.

In London, Brent crude was down 45 cents at $102.90 on the ICE futures exchange.

Asian stock markets dropped Monday amid fears Kim's death could lead to greater instability on the divided Korean peninsular. South Korea's stock market fell 3.3 percent, Hong Kong slid 2.5 percent and Japan was down 1.1 percent.

Crude has fallen from above $100 earlier this month on growing fears Europe's debt crisis will trigger a recession on the continent next year and undermine global oil demand.

Oil prices have been supported by signs of a slowly improving U.S. economy, and the latest data on U.S. housing and gross domestic product are scheduled to be announced later this week.

"Attention to these numbers could shift focus away from Europe for a week or so and toward the U.S. with a potential rebound in the stock market sparking another rally across the energy complex," energy consultant Ritterbusch and Associates said in a report

In other energy trading on the Nymex, natural gas fell 4.0 cents to $3.09 per 1,000 cubic feet. Heating oil dropped 1.3 cents to $2.80 a gallon and gasoline futures were down 1 cent to $2.49 a gallon.


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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Fitch warning drags Wall Street lower (Reuters)

NEW YORK (Reuters) ? Stocks extended losses on Friday, with the Dow industrials and the S&P 500 falling into negative territory after Fitch threatened to cut the ratings of several euro zone nations, reigniting worries about the region.

The Dow Jones industrial average (.DJI) dropped 37.39 points, or 0.32 percent, to 11,831.42. The S&P 500 Index (.INX) edged up 0.43 point, or 0.04 percent, to 1,216.18. The Nasdaq Composite (.IXIC) gained 9.04 points, or 0.36 percent, to 2,550.05.

Fitch warned it may downgrade the rating of six EU nations in the absence of a "comprehensive solution" to the region's debt crisis.

(Reporting by Rodrigo Campos; Editing by Jeff Benkoe)


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Boris Chertok, Russian Rocket Engineer, Dies at 99

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Mr. Chertok was a rocket engineer who played a central role in designing the navigation systems for Soviet spacecraft during the race to the moon, among them the one that carried the first human into space.


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Saturday, December 17, 2011

France gets four bids in 4G auction (Reuters)

PARIS (Reuters) ? France's telecoms regulator has received bids from all of the country's major operators for a second batch of higher-quality fourth-generation mobile licenses and will choose winners in the coming weeks.

ARCEP said in a statement on Thursday that France Telecom, SFR, Bouygues and Iliad had submitted offers but did not disclose how much each company had bid.

The French government aims to raise at least 1.8 billion euros ($2.33 billion) in the second phase of the auction, which offers "golden frequencies" in the 800 MHz band, so dubbed because they allow mobile signals to travel long distances without losing strength.

France has already sold off a batch of frequencies in the 2.6 GHz band for 936 million euros, representing a premium to what similar frequencies sold for in some neighboring European countries.

In the first round, France Telecom and soon-to-be new mobile player Iliad won two larger blocks of 20 megahertz, while SFR and Bouygues got 15 MHz each.

Analysts predicted that SFR, the country's second-biggest mobile operator, would bid aggressively in the second round since it had not received as much spectrum as it wanted in the first.

As a result, the French government may end up raising more than the 2.5 billion-euro minimum it set for the 4G licenses, a boon that would be welcomed in a time of tight national budgets.

The results of the auction will shape the competitive landscape in France's telecom market for years to come. The amount of spectrum an operator has determines the quality of service it can offer customers surfing the web from smartphones or tablets, a lucrative and fast-growing market.

With Iliad set to launch its mobile service in the coming days or weeks, France's telecoms market has been in a phase of intensifying competition and declining prices in the past year, and analysts expect that dynamic to continue.

Iliad's approach to the second round of the auction - whether it bids aggressively for the best frequencies or not - is likely to be interpreted as a sign of its ambitions in the mobile market.

Already Iliad, which markets its offers under the Free brand name, surprised in the first round by winning one of the bigger blocks over larger rival SFR.

Similar 4G auctions have been carried out in Spain, Germany, and Italy, while the UK has delayed its auction until next year.

($1 = 0.7721 euros)

(Reporting by Leila Abboud; Editing by James Regan)


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Asthma Drugs in Pregnancy Might Pose Risk for Kids (HealthDay)

FRIDAY, Dec. 16 (HealthDay News) -- Infants born to mothers who use inhaled glucocorticoids -- a class of steroids -- to treat asthma during pregnancy may be at risk for endocrine and metabolic disorders, a new study indicates.

Researchers looked at more than 65,000 mother-child pairs from the Danish National Birth Cohort who were followed from early pregnancy into childhood.

Of the women in the study, about 61,000 (94 percent) had no asthma during pregnancy while almost 4,100 (6 percent) did have asthma during pregnancy. At the end of follow-up, the median age for the children was about 6, with an age range of about 3.5 to 9.

For mothers who used the asthma inhalers, budesonide (Pulmicort) was the most common glucocorticoid.

The use of inhaled glucocorticoids during pregnancy was not associated with an increased risk of most diseases in children, with the exception of endocrine and metabolic disorders.

"Our data are mostly reassuring and support the use of inhaled glucocorticoids during pregnancy," wrote first author Marion Tegethoff, an associate faculty member in clinical psychology and psychiatry at the University of Basel, Switzerland, and colleagues.

The study appears online ahead of print in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

Asthma is common in pregnant women and glucocorticoids are the recommended treatment, the researchers noted.

"This is the first comprehensive study of potential effects of glucocorticoid inhalation during pregnancy on the health of offspring, covering a wide spectrum of pediatric diseases," study co-author author Gunther Meinlschmidt, an associate faculty member in clinical psychology and epidemiology, said in a journal news release. "While our results support the use of these widely used asthma treatments during pregnancy, their effect on endocrine and metabolic disturbances during childhood merits further study."

Although the study found an association between inhaler use and certain disorders, it did not show cause and effect.

More information

The Canadian Lung Association has more about asthma and pregnancy.


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Friday, December 16, 2011

Kabul police station attack ends, no casualties (Reuters)

KABUL (Reuters) ? An attack on a police station in the west of Kabul on Friday ended without casualties, police and the Interior Ministry said.

An attacker threw a hand grenade at the station, ministry spokesman Sediq Sediqqi said on his official Twitter account, and soon afterwards police said they had regained control.

"There were gunfights in Police District Five. There were no casualties. Now everything is under control and we are investigating the case," said Mohammad Zahir, head of the criminal investigation department for Kabul police.

Police officials denied the incident was a suicide attack.

Earlier, a Reuters witness heard gunfire and at least two explosions, and a police source, speaking on condition of anonymity, said several suicide bombers had attacked the police station.

The Taliban generally target military personnel or foreigners, such as in the attack on a convoy of NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) vehicles in late October, which killed 13.

That attack was also in the west of the city, an area which does not have a high concentration of foreign residents.

A huge suicide bomb killed 80 people at a Shi'ite Muslim shrine in Kabul last week, an attack the Taliban condemned.

Despite the presence of tens of thousands of Western forces in Afghanistan, the United Nations and other groups say violence is at its worst since U.S.-led Afghan forces toppled the Taliban from power in late 2001.

NATO-led forces say they have seen a decline over recent months in attacks launched by insurgents against their troops.

(Reporting by Hamid Shalizi and Mirwais Harooni; Writing by Daniel Magnowski; Editing by Sophie Hares)


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Fla. group in Lowe's flap has history of protests (AP)

TAMPA, Fla. ? The conservative group that got Lowe's to pull its ads from a reality TV show about American Muslims has been fighting for more than two decades against gay rights, strip clubs and most anything else that offends evangelical Christians.

The leader of the Florida Family Association is David Caton, a 55-year-old family values crusader who left an accounting career to found the group in 1987. He said the association has 35,000 members who were urged to email Lowe's to pressure the home improvement giant into dropping commercials during the TLC cable network show "All-American Muslim."

Lowes has drawn criticism for its decision from leaders in the Muslim community, celebrities and others suggesting a boycott of the store. Despite the growing backlash, the Mooresville, N.C.-based company said Monday it was planning to stick by its decision after the show became a "lightning rod for people to voice complaints from a variety of perspectives ? political, social and otherwise."

Several politicians called the Florida Family Association a fringe hate group, a title Caton shrugged off, saying the group aims to "defend traditional American biblical values."

The show was not an accurate portrayal American Muslims, he said, because it doesn't disclose that "99.9 percent of Muslims agree with the principles of Sharia law," the restrictive religious code that Caton and others warn leads to the spread of Islamic extremism.

"This has all to do with the way this program was constructed to deliberately present Muslims in America as one flavor," he told The Associated Press. "It would be similar to the Learning Channel doing a report on `snakes are good family pets' without reporting that there are four in Florida that are venomous. ....For TLC to choose to profile five people as an aberration of the Islamic faith is propaganda."

TLC used to be called The Learning Channel.

"All-American Muslim," which premiered last month, chronicles the lives of five families who live in and near Dearborn, Mich., a Detroit suburb with a large Muslim and Arab-American population. TLC spokeswoman Laurie Goldberg said the show, which airs Mondays on TLC and ends its first season Jan. 8, has garnered a little over a million viewers per week.

Caton said he targeted the show because a recent poll on the group's website found that the spread of Islam in America was their No. 1 concern, more than homosexuality and pornography. About 1,800 votes were cast.

Florida Family Association claims more than 60 advertisers that it emailed have also stopped advertising on the show. So far, Lowe's is the only major company to confirm they pulled their ads.

Caton's group has also protested "Gay Days" at Walt Disney World.

Last year to no avail, Caton's group flooded the University of South Florida with 2,500 emails protesting a course on "queer theory." Recently the group targeted companies advertising on the teen show Degrassi on a Nickelodeon channel because it "promotes the transgender lifestyle and other inappropriate behavior to children," according to the Florida Family Association website.

The group's website appeared to be hacked Monday and posted a message that read: "No further proof is needed of the potential for vicious action then exactly what these folks are trying to do to this web site! The attack has been extremely mean spirited. ... Because of our real concern for the terrorism that is a way of life for some folks, we ourselves have become victims. Because we urge other to be vigilant we become the targets. Don't let it happen folks, take stand before it is too late."

The group also claims credit for helping get the show "The Playboy Club" canceled by NBC. The network, however, announced the show was being canceled less than 24 hours after the new series drew only 3.5 million people for its third episode.

The Florida Family Association, which is not affiliated with the older and larger American Family Association, reported more than $172,000 in donations last year, with $59,423 going toward salaries.


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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Dalai Lama's Latest Book Spawns Free Audiobook Edition Read By Martin Sheen (VIDEO)

The actor Martin Sheen (real name: Ram?n Antonio Gerard Est?vez) has played a President of the U.S., King Arthur and the father of a super hero. Yet he still felt inadequate when facing his latest role: being the voice of a real-life enlightened spiritual being.

He was selected to read the audio edition of the latest book by Dalai Lama, "Beyond Religion". According to Sheen, "my first inclination was, 'nobody can be that voice.'"

Yet eventually, he accepted the challenge from of reading the audio version of the book, which is available to download for free for the next two weeks via Audible's website.

The book is perhaps a surprising call for humanity to move beyond religion in order to improve our lives. "What we need today," the Lama writes, "is an approach to ethics which makes no recourse to religion and can be equally acceptable to those with faith and those without: a secular ethics."

You can read an excerpt from the book here, and watch the short video above to learn just how Sheen reacted to being asked to perform the reading, what word he found the Lama kept using in his writing, and how the book is about much more than questions of religion and ethics.

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Oil above $101 as Iran tensions rise

Oil prices rose past $101 a barrel Monday amid growing tensions between Iran and Western powers, efforts in Europe to contain its debt crisis and signs the U.S. economy is improving.

By early afternoon in Europe, benchmark crude for January delivery was up 51 cents to $101.47 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract rose 76 cents to settle at $100.96 on Friday.

In London, Brent crude was up 73 cents at $110.67 on the ICE Futures exchange.

Tensions have been building for weeks over Iran's nuclear program. The country is the world's third-biggest oil exporter, shipping 2.2 million barrels of crude per day, and escalating sanctions or an armed conflict could threaten exports leaving the Persian Gulf.

The U.S. Senate voted on Friday to impose new sanctions on Iran's central bank, barring foreign financial institutions that do business with the bank from opening operations in the U.S.

On Sunday, Iran's official IRNA news agency reported that the country's armed forces shot down an unmanned U.S. spy plane that violated Iranian airspace. The U.S. has not confirmed the report.

"The situation in Iran is unlikely to get better any time soon," Barclays Capital said in a report. "Retaliationary efforts from Iran are also feared given its influence over oil trade flows through the Strait of Hormuz."

Crude has jumped from $75 during the last two months amid signs the U.S. economy will likely avoid a recession. Investors were cheered by the Labor Department's November jobs report Friday that showed the economy added 120,000 jobs last month and the unemployment rate fell to 8.6 percent from 9.0 percent.

Markets also remained hopeful that European leaders will agree on measures to counter the expanding government-debt crisis at a Friday summit in Brussels.

The high indebtedness of countries like Greece, Italy, Spain has raised speculation about the future of the euro currency and fueled fears about a financial collapse and its negative effects on oil demand.

In other Nymex trading, natural gas fell 2.3 cents to $3.561 per 1,000 cubic feet. Heating oil added 3.06 cents to $3.0206 a gallon and gasoline futures gained 1.62 cents to $2.6324 a gallon.


Alex Kennedy in Singapore contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Davis' block lifts No. 1 Kentucky over No. 5 UNC (AP)

LEXINGTON, Ky. ? Pushed and pressured all day, Anthony Davis finally went somewhere else no one could on the floor. Up.

The freshman soared to block John Henson's shot in the final seconds and No. 1 Kentucky held on to beat No. 5 North Carolina 73-72 on Saturday to extend the Wildcats' home winning streak to 39 games.

"I just jumped as high as I could with my arm up," said Davis, who had seven points and nine rebounds. "I thought I probably would (block it). I have long hands."

Freshman Michael Kidd-Gilchrist scored 17 points and grabbed 11 rebounds for Kentucky (8-0) and Doron Lamb added 12 of his 14 points after halftime in the heavily hyped matchup.

"I didn't realize, because I hadn't been watching much TV, that this game was being played up like the end alls of end alls," Kentucky coach John Calipari said.

Davis sure ended it, all right.

Reggie Bullock hit a 3-pointer for North Carolina (6-2) to cut the Wildcats' lead to 73-72 with 48 seconds left. After freshman Marquis Teague missed the front end of a one-and-one, Davis blocked Henson's shot, grabbed the rebound and the Wildcats ran out the clock.

"If he doesn't block the shot, we lose," Calipari said. "Both teams gutted it out, just gutted it out. This is supposed to be March, not now. I'm exhausted."

Tyler Zeller and Harrison Barnes scored 14 points apiece for the Tar Heels, who led by as many as nine in the first half and held a six-point lead in the second before Kentucky rallied.

The Wildcats haven't lost at Rupp Arena since Calipari took over, a span of 38 games that includes winning their final one at home under Billy Gillispie.

Lamb converted a three-point play as part of a 7-0 run that gave Kentucky a 63-60 lead. After Zeller hit a jumper to cut it to one, Lamb hit a pair of 3s, the second in the corner that gave the Wildcats a 69-64 lead with 3:47 left.

"He had a couple of layups, a couple of threes and they were big shots, they were big shots. That one in the corner was a huge shot and he knocked it down," Calipari said. "I've got good players. We're young, we're inexperienced, but I have really good players."

After a 3-pointer by Barnes, North Carolina's 11th of the game, made it 69-67. Darius Miller's basket made it 71-67. Henson hit two free throws and Kidd-Gilchrist answered with two more before Bullock's 3 set up the final sequence.

After Teague missed the front end of the one-and-one following a foul by Kendall Marshall with 21 seconds left, the Tar Heels had one more chance.

Marshall found Zeller and as Terrence Jones came to double team, he found Henson. Henson went up for a winner, but Davis used his 6-foot-10 frame and massive wingspan to block the ball. He grabbed the rebound as North Carolina never tried to foul as time expired.

"He came from the other side of the lane, it was a great play by him," Henson said.

Jones finished with 14 points and Miller had 12 for the Wildcats. North Carolina's P.J. Hairston scored 11 and Henson finished with 10.

Kentucky last reached No. 1 under Calipari in 2009-10, but promptly lost its first game after receiving the ranking. The Wildcats beat St. John's 81-59 on Thursday night before this matchup ? the first between top five teams in Lexington in 13 years.

Last year, these two teams played a pair of memorable games with North Carolina winning 75-73 in Chapel Hill before Kentucky topped the Tar Heels 76-69 in the NCAA regional finals in March.

This one was equally as entertaining even though North Carolina slipped from the No. 1 spot last week when they lost to UNLV in Las Vegas to keep this from being the first No. 1 vs. No. 2 matchup in the 35-year history of Rupp Arena.

The Tar Heels committed five early turnovers, but Hairston, who had been questionable to play because of a sprained left wrist, hit a pair of 3-pointers upon entering to give North Carolina a 24-18 lead.

A jumper by Barnes extended it to 34-25, the biggest deficit the Wildcats faced this season and Kentucky trailed at the half for the first time this season, 43-38.

It's the first time the two schools have met this highly ranked since Dec. 26, 1981 in East Rutherford, N.J., when Michael Jordan, James Worthy and Sam Perkins combined for 66 points in North Carolina's 82-69 victory.

Kentucky standout Sam Bowie didn't play in that game because of a stress fracture in his left leg, but that game still featured 18 draft picks ? including five that went in the first two rounds. The NBA draft was 10 rounds through 1984.

This matchup had even more media anticipation and included more than two dozen NBA scouts and front office personnel. Kentucky's young squad that starts three freshmen and two sophomores responded.

"We felt like this was a good test to see where we're at against one of the best teams in the country," Miller said. "We came out with a W. I think we're all pretty happy about it."


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